Training and Instruction for Trustees
In accordance with Public Act 22-16, the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees provides training, mandated for all newly appointed and elected members of the Board, within twelve (12) months of the Trustee's appointment or election. This ensures uniform and consistent training for newly appointed and elected members of the Board of Trustees in areas related to the University's academic, physical, and financial operations.
Newly appointed and elected Trustees receive instruction or training on duties to the state and the University, including, but not limited to, methods for meeting associated statutory, regulatory, and fiduciary obligations; the functions and purviews of all the Board's Committees; professional accounting and reporting standards; applicable provisions of the Freedom of Information Act; institutional and statutory ethical responsibilities and obligations; student tuition, mandatory fees, and student debt trends; institutional advancement; and student welfare issues.
As developed and updated, training and instruction materials will be posted in the table below by topic.
View the full Policy on Instruction and Training for Newly Appointed and Elected Members of the Board of Trustees.
Updated: August 26, 2024